DIY Homemade Snow Globe

October 01, 2013
What’s more festive than a snow globe? Nothing, I tell you! I love how each one is a mini world. Plus watching the ‘snow’ fall is strangely peaceful. Make your own this holiday season for the perfect way to frame family photos and perk up windowsills, side tables, and your holiday centerpiece.


  • Empty jars (I like to reuse old pasta sauce jars!)
  • Laminated photocopies of family photos (laminate at local copy shop) Fake trees
  • Hot glue or waterproof glue
  • Spray glue
  • Glitter
  • Glycerin
  • Water
  • Ribbon
  • Bells


  • 1 Pour glitter into Ziploc® brand containers for easy clean up!
  • 2

    Using spray glue, spray the top portion of a jar then sprinkle with glitter to create a dipped look. (Be sure to use the spray glue in a well-ventilated area!) I like to sprinkle my glitter over a large Ziploc® brand container for easy clean up and so you can re-use the leftover glitter easily! Isn’t it just so pretty cascading like that?

  • 3 Set aside the jar to allow glue to cure. Trim your laminated photos until they fit in the lid of the jar.
  • 4 Seal the lid with waterproof glue to prevent any leaking and glue trees in place.
  • 5 Glue photo in place amongst the trees.
  • 6 Pour glycerin into the jar. (2-3 tablespoons for every 1 cup of water)
  • 7 Now comes the best part: pour in the glitter! In this instance, I used white glitter.
  • 8 Add water and fill the jar ¾ of the way full.
  • 9 Carefully place lid with glued-on items into the liquid. Tighten lid as much as possible to prevent leaking!
  • 10 To mask lid, glue ribbon around the rib.
  • 11 Everything needs a bit of jingle! Tie a bow around a gold bell and glue in place at the top of the jar.
DIY Homemade Snow Globe
DIY Homemade Snow Globe
DIY Homemade Snow Globe
DIY Homemade Snow Globe
DIY Homemade Snow Globe
DIY Homemade Snow Globe
DIY Homemade Snow Globe
DIY Homemade Snow Globe
DIY Homemade Snow Globe
DIY Homemade Snow Globe
DIY Homemade Snow Globe
DIY Homemade Snow Globe
DIY Homemade Snow Globe
DIY Homemade Snow Globe
Joanna Hawley