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Game-ify Chore Time so the Whole Family Wins

July 01, 2014

Any fun you can add to a chore list is a good thing. Game-ifying chore time with dice or card games will greatly increase your chances of cleaning up some of the chaos...and help you have a blast at the same time. 

Pick a chore, any chore

Take the boring out of choring with fun playing cards customized to your personal household needs! Kids love being surprised, and this way they don’t have to do the same chore every time.  Pick a chore, any chore


  • Playing Cards
  • Permanent markers


  • Gather the family and decide what chores need to be done

  • Write one chore on the back of each playing card. You can do something fun with the “joker” to make it more exciting. For example: “Switch chores with a sibling.” Even better: “Take the day off!”
  • Fan the cards out and have each child pick a designated amount of cards. Kids can also swap cards with each other on their own.
  • Get cleaning! 
  • Tip: Store the cards in a Ziploc® container to keep them all together without worrying about losing a card or two, especially if you’ve got a clever one who wants to hide their least favorite chore card!

Leave chores to chance

Roll the dice for this fun twist on chores. Instead of the same old boring chore wheel, use dice to mix things up a little. Use a Ziploc® container to shake the dice, and for easy storage so you won’t add to clean up. As long as the work gets done!  Leave chores to chance


  • Set of dice
  • Pen/pencil
  • Ziploc® container (to roll the dice) 


  • 1 Print out the sheet and fill in the lines with chores. Have each child roll the dice to determine which chores he or she will do.

Five in a row, and off you go: chore bingo

Tired of the same old chore system? Try out this Bingo game to kick it up a notch. Kids will be inspired to help after playing this fun game. Five in a row, and off you go: chore bingo


  • Pen, pencil, marker


  • 2 When children complete each chore, have him or her cross off their spot. 
  • 3 After getting a “BINGO,” provide a small reward of your choosing, like a preferred activity, coins, their favorite treat, etc.